MA Thesis - Home

What was it on?

I wrote my MA Thesis on methods for transforming text to the conceptual graphs of John Sowa. In other words, how to automatically extract semantics from texts.

Or, how does one construct an electronic "reader" which can extract meaning from a text without assistance from humans?

I developed a method to transform a piece of Hebrew text to conceptual graphs, and wrote a program implementing the method.

What is its Bibliographic reference?

Petersen, Ulrik. (2004) Creation in Graphs: Extracting Conceptual Structures from Old Testament Texts. MA thesis, University of Aalborg, Department of Communication. Published in: Impact -- an Electronic Journal on Formalisation in Media, Text and Language -- Impact Theses,

What's available here?

  • Overview: An overview of the thesis.

  • Abstract: The abstract of the thesis.

  • Grammars: Various grammars of Hebrew related to the thesis.

  • Syntax trees: Refined syntax trees of the text.

  • Graphs:: Resulting graphs.

  • Download: For downloading the thesis itself plus associated software.