“Negotiations of Genre in the Short Fiction of Alasdair Gray”, 8th Internat. Conf. on the Short Story in English, Alcalá, Spain, October 2004
“Images of
Europe in Two Generational Novels: From Bohemia to Eurotrash”
(BAAS, Manchester, April 2004)
“Tourette in Fiction: Lethem, Hecht, Rubio, Byalick” (22. International Literature & Psychology Conference, Cordoba, Spain, June 2005 + (Re)Constructing Pain and Joy in Language, Literature, and Culture, Athens, Greece, October 2005)
“Ekphrasis in Reverse: The Use and Abuse of Poetry in Popular Films” (High Culture, Low Culture Conference, Strasbourg, November 2007)
“Icons of Transgression: Patty Hearst and Charles Manson” (EAAS 2008, Oslo, May 2008)
“Road Signs: The Cadillac as Cultural Text” (ISSEI 11, Helsinki, July - August 2008)
Housing the Void: Negotiations of Gothic Horror and Confessional Autobiography in Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves (Rani Ellingsgaard)
English as a Medium of Power: Narrative Strategies in Postcolonial Literature (Rushdie, Achebe and Naipaul) (Sandra Kay Bjork)
Ishmael Reed - The Postmodern Trickster (Sonni Astrup Brøgger Jacobsen)
Surface Disturbances: A Reading of Raymond Federman’s Surfictions as Historiographic Radical Metafictions (Lisbeth Rieshøj Pedersen)
Kvinder og mad - en undersøgelse og analyse af forholdet mellem kvinder og mad i Margaret Atwoods romaner The Edible Woman og Lady Oracle (Karen Pilgaard)
A Sociological and Literary Quest: the Best Minds of a Generation Investigated - William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac - a comparison (Brit Jørgensen)
Mythical Realism - The Rôle of Mythology in Magical Realism: A Case Study of Salman Rushdie’s The Ground Beneath Her Feet (Sámal Kristian Jacobsen)
Interfictional Pockets: A Narratological Investigation of Temporal Hypotheses and Hypertrophied-Hypothesis in Postmodern Literature (Jesper Christensen)
Racial Affirmation in Langston Hughes’ Early Poetry (Rikke Bach Larsen)
Recognition of Identites: An Analysis of Alice Walker’s The Color
Purple (Gitte Østergaard
Manager of Narrative”: A Postcolonial Perspective on V.S. Naipaul’s
Travel Books - An Analysis of Genre, Character and Narrator (Helle Byskov Jensen)
Identity Issues in Contemporary U.S. Immigrant Literature (Using Models from Modern Psychology) (Muriel Hoequist)
Victims of Status - Status of Victims: An Analysis of the Relation between Status Positions and Victimology in The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe (Lene Carlsen Luther)
Resistance Happens... Tradition versus the new: The New York School of Poetry as counter cultural manifestation in 1950s USA (Janni Olesen)
Let Me Be Your Voice! A
Historical, Cultural,
Theoretical and Literary Analysis of Spokemanship in 1960s and 1970s
America (Helen
the Alienating Society: an Existentialist Journey into the Beat
Generation (Elisa Knude
QUE? - An analysis and comparison of concepts within postmodern culture and postmodern literature (Ole Mølgaard)
Crisis of Knowledge,
Commodification and
Decadent Reality: An Analysis of Don DeLillo’s White Noise (Kent Oluf Hytten)
Reader in the Postmodern Text: Transtextuality in Possession - a
Romance by
A. S. Byatt (Rikke
Bergmann Johansen)
Tunnel Infinity: Mirror into Mirror: A reading of William Gibson’s cyberspace trilogy (Steen L. Christiansen)
Women and
Science Fiction (Mette Kathrine Nielsen)
- Kurt Vonnegut's Quest for Style and Meaning (Inge Høyer)
Blank Fiction, Commodification and Decline: An Analysis of Less Than Zero, Bright Lights, Big City, and Slaves of New York (Anne Bjørnskov Langballe)
All Hope Ye Who Enter Here: An analysis of surfaces in Less Than
Zero, American
Psycho and Glamorama
(Søren Winther Johannsen)
Ghosts - A Palimpsestuous Reading of Paul Auster's The New York
Trilogy with a Specific Focus on Hypertextuality (Søren Abilgaard
& Thomas Lund)
There is
no Paul Auster here: An analysis of Paul Auster’s City of Glass (Thomas
Bjerg Danielsen)
Text in
Reflection: Metafiction and Intrinsic Criticism in Paul Auster’s The
New York
Trilogy (Berit
The American Southwest: A reading of Leslie Marmon Silko, Denise Chávez, and Barbara Kingsolver (Susanne Smith)